Sunday, May 26, 2013

Nick Vujicic: From Vietnam with love!

Well, this is the last day Nick Vujicic has been in Vietnam. Only 4 days, but we've got a lot of good memories about him. He's not the only man in the world that is handicapped, but he may the one who enjoys what life brings to him the most. And he doesn't forget to thank God everyday about all he has, and keeps on inspiring everybody by his true story. Here are some pictures while he's in Vietnam:

The message that he has spread all over the world is just only one, I believe: "Love can save the world". And I agree with him so. What the world would be if humans are all selfish and cruel? Just like the old time when America attacked Vietnam, they have sprayed the Agent Orange in Vietnam-nearly one quarter of the total area of South Vietnam. Wasn't it unbelievable and ruthless? Did they have heart? So, if they have the love in their heart they wouldn't have done it to another country. The result is now Vietnam have a lot of handicapped, disabled, cerebral palsy people. And when we ask America's Government for responsibilities, they've refused. So, just take a look at those victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, and think about what Nick Vujicic have said, because he knows the best the hardness when you are not a normal person to do the most normal thing in life:

There are still more pictures of them. What do we call those people? Monsters? No, they're not. They're victims of a meaningless war, victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin. But American, they just keep ignoring on what they have done. So I pray God that one day, those cold men wake up and have real hearts. From Nick Vujicic spoken, I hope that people can realize that just only love can save us-not wars!

Thank you Nick, and may you have all happiness in your life ahead.

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